Design Thinking For You

Candor Dennis Chihurumnaya
2 min readOct 29, 2021

See the world through your neighbors eyes!

Is this even possible? Lets say your are just wondering what it would be like to live like your next door neighbor who doesn't bother about anything except it affects his health. He is carefree and lives a really simple life. You wonder if he even has problems. You would so anything to be in hes shoes for a day, or a minute even. So i ask again that you… see the world through your neighbors eyes!

This is the core, the center, the very essence of Design Thinking and everything that is surrounds. This is called Empathy. But before we even begin to talk about what this Design Thinking means.

Design thinking is a human centered approach to creative problem solving. It talks about real people and explores their needs deeply. It dives into the lives of those whom a certain product is made for and seeks for ways to find how it can benefit them.

Design thinking is possibility driven. It seeks to create new ideas from whatever is borne and is open to suggestions and opinions of others.

Design thinking is option focused. It comprises of multiple articulated means to problem solving.

Design thinking is an iterative processes. It offers real world experience and comprises of teams that ponder and discuss about very important issues.

Notice from these descriptions that no matter how hard you have to think about it, design thinking involves people and ways to solve their problems.

Of all processes in design thinking i love Empathy more. Check this if you want to know more about Design Thinking Processes

I hope this explains design thinking in the simplest way possible.

In subsequent articles i will focus on more design thinking tips for businesses and how they can begin leveraging its tools in every process.



Candor Dennis Chihurumnaya

Building better solutions with technology. Thriving in the Design Thinking ecosystem. I like to think I can do better